PLAY FOR FREE! We're very excited to offer an amazing opportunity for new players! If you have ever been interested in trying hockey, but were hesitant, new players can now play up to two regular season games for FREE.
This trial period will give you the chance to see how fun PowerHockey can be! Our season runs from October through June with 12 weeks of competitive hockey and playoffs. Player will need to reserve a spot 24 hours before game, so you can be placed on a team. New players will get the chance to compete as if they were a fully registered player. Paperwork will be required prior to participation!
After a player completes their trial they may then register for the rest of the season ($150 fee). Once a player registers they get a PERSONALIZED team jersey with their name and number on it. In addition, the player will get to join a team and enjoy the thrill of comradery.
This is your chance, try out wheelchair hockey today and get hooked! If you decide to pursue this opportunity or want more details, please contact Dean Olivas at dean@thewchl.com.