2016 WCHL Awards Banquet

​2016 WCHL Awards Banquet

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016
3pm - 7pm

Premier Center
frmly. Zuccaro's of Clinton Twp.
20400 S Nunneley Rd, 
Clinton, MI 48035-1562, 

Dinner served at 4pm

Players & Volunteers are FREE, additional guests are $20 each

(players, if you RSVP Yes and do not attend, you will be charged $20 for your meal)

50/50, Raffle & Awards

We ask that each family please bring a raffle prize.

Please RSVP to Brenda Drapinski brenda@thewchl.com by September 15

Make checks payable to "WCHL" & send your total payment to:

Brenda Drapinski 
20917 E. Trebesh
Pinckney, MI 48169

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