2022 PowerHockey Summer Showcase

On behalf of the WCHL and the Michigan Mustangs we'd like to thank Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay, Fraser Roller Hockey League, and Big Boy Arena for helping us put on the PowerHockey Summer Showcase this past weekend. Getting back to travel hockey was a huge stepping point this year. Without your dedication and support we could not have put together this event!

PowerHockey is more than a sport, it is a family. Joining hands with FRHL and playing at Big Boy Arena has given us more to add to our family. We'd like to offer a shout out to Mike Farinelli and Scott Brown at FRHL, Jennifer at Slapshotz Bar, Jayme at Big Boy Arena. And a huge shout out to SavingGrace DesignsCo for getting us awesome new t-shirts so quickly!

In addition a huge shout out to our volunteers, families and players. Nick Taylor, Ashley Breon, Evan Pavlick, Brandon Broad, Jacob Huhta Linda Olivas, Dean Olivas, Deanna Morgan, Cathy Mog, the Cueter family, and Katie Frayer. All of these great people played a huge part in putting on this event. We are incredibly thankful for your support and dedication.

To watch back the incredible action click here for the full stream playlist. Or click the photos below for an individual game link.

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