Arena Announcement

​WCHL players, families, and volunteers,

As you may have heard on the news this evening, Canfield Arena is closed until further notice. Jason Drapinski has been in close contact with Karl, our contact at Canfield, in order to figure out what that means for our league for the rest of the season and for the future. At this point, arrangements have been made for us to finish this season at Taylor SportsPlex on Telegraph Road. Karl is having all of our equipment moved there this week so we will be ready to play our games on May 21st.

The Hornets and Cobras will be playing at Noon and the Seals and Wolf Pack will be playing at 1:30pm. It is extremely important for us to begin the games on time or they may be cut short due to the possibility of overtime and the very busy schedule at SportsPlex. The first game will start no later than 12:05pm and players in the second game need to be ready to play at 1:35pm. Please do not be the reason your team has to forfeit a playoff game.
Please check your email, social media, and watch for texts this week in case we need to get further information out to everyone. Let's finish this season strong and positive. Our family can handle this bump in the road.


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